Hey hey hey! It's Beyond Wrestling time! I've reviewed their previous two shows "King of Arts" and "Scorned" over on the main section of the site since they were MP4's however I got the actual DVD of this one so I figured I'd show the dvd reviews blog some love and post this here. Sorry if it gets confusing, but I try to make it as easy to find as possible. The best way to keep up is by following us on Twitter @ThePWTruth where I post every time something new is posted whether it be here, on the main blog, or on Team PWG! None the less, let's get into "When Satan Rules His World"!
1) Nation of Intoxication (Danny Havoc, Devon Moore & Lucky 13) vs. Team Pazuzu (Jaka, Angel Ortiz, & Mike Draztik)
This way better than I expected it to be. I was pumped to see Danny Havoc in Beyond and I knew all the names here were solid workers, I just didn't expect the high impact opener that we got. I loved how they put this match together as they brawled through the crowd early on and Lucky 13 hit a moonsault off the stairs. Then, things finally get back in the ring and tags start being made which leads to Team Pazuzu taking control of the bout. This builds up towards the hot tag for Havoc which leads to a crazy closing sequence from all six men. Reverse rana, death valley driver, dragon suplex. Great stuff to end a very fun opener.
Match rating - ***1/4
2) "Hot Sauce" Tracy Williams vs. Conor Claxton
Two more awesome guys here. I loved Hot Sauce when I first saw him on "King of Arts", the first Beyond event I watched, and the crowd is massively behind him as well. Conor Claxton has been the breakout CZW star of 2015 so I'm interested to see what he can do here because I haven't seen him in any regular matches. He & Williams put together a pretty strike based contest in which Claxton looked like the under dog who wouldn't quit and I think he won over the Beyond fans based solely off that. This didn't last too long, but it was a successful outing, I'd say.
Match rating - **1/2
3) Symbiote (Davey Vega & Rickey Shane Page) vs. The Minute Men
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
Site News & Updates
It's been awhile since I've formally updated everyone on things and I feel the need to do so considering I've began alot of new projects that affect where I post some of my DVD reviews that I'd normally post here.
Most notably, I recently started up a site dedicated solely to the coverage of my favorite wrestling promotion, PWG, along with help from a few friends. I will be posting all my future reviews there, BUT I will also continue posting them here for a few months until all the regular readers of this blog get used to the change. I also may continue posting old show reviews here as well then adding them to the review archive on Guerrilla Fanfare which is where you can find links to every PWG DVD that I've ever reviewed. I'm excited about this venture and hope you'll come along for the ride. Follow us on Twitter @TheTeamPWG for updates & fun stuff! Also be on the look out for some YouTube content in the next few months (hopefully)! Click on the banner below to check out the blog!
Secondly, I've recently began going the MP4 route to save some money and be able to cover more wrestling. This throws a monkey wrench in the title of this site so it's kind of weird when deciding whether to post the reviews here or on my main blog. Well, recently, I've went with the main site and posted a few Beyond Wrestling reviews that I feel I should link you to below:
Beyond Wrestling: King of Arts Review
Beyond Wrestling: Scorned Review
I'll try to add images on the sidebar of this site to keep you updated on show reviews that I've posted elsewhere although I've also considered just publishing them twice. We'll see how it goes. The best way to keep up though is to just follow the blog on Twitter @ThePWTruth where I tweet out links to EVERYTHING I write whether it be here, on the main Pro Wrestling Truth site, or on Team PWG.
I think I've covered everything and done so in a short, effective manner so I'll go ahead and sign off from here. Thanks for supporting and reading, as always. This has grown way more than I ever expected and I can only thank you all for that!
Most notably, I recently started up a site dedicated solely to the coverage of my favorite wrestling promotion, PWG, along with help from a few friends. I will be posting all my future reviews there, BUT I will also continue posting them here for a few months until all the regular readers of this blog get used to the change. I also may continue posting old show reviews here as well then adding them to the review archive on Guerrilla Fanfare which is where you can find links to every PWG DVD that I've ever reviewed. I'm excited about this venture and hope you'll come along for the ride. Follow us on Twitter @TheTeamPWG for updates & fun stuff! Also be on the look out for some YouTube content in the next few months (hopefully)! Click on the banner below to check out the blog!
Secondly, I've recently began going the MP4 route to save some money and be able to cover more wrestling. This throws a monkey wrench in the title of this site so it's kind of weird when deciding whether to post the reviews here or on my main blog. Well, recently, I've went with the main site and posted a few Beyond Wrestling reviews that I feel I should link you to below:
Beyond Wrestling: King of Arts Review
Beyond Wrestling: Scorned Review
I'll try to add images on the sidebar of this site to keep you updated on show reviews that I've posted elsewhere although I've also considered just publishing them twice. We'll see how it goes. The best way to keep up though is to just follow the blog on Twitter @ThePWTruth where I tweet out links to EVERYTHING I write whether it be here, on the main Pro Wrestling Truth site, or on Team PWG.
I think I've covered everything and done so in a short, effective manner so I'll go ahead and sign off from here. Thanks for supporting and reading, as always. This has grown way more than I ever expected and I can only thank you all for that!
PWG: Don't Sweat the Technique Review
NOTE: This review is also up on my PWG Fansite. I figured I would continue posting my PWG reviews here until everyone is used to the change. Enjoy!
On April 3rd, PWG returned with it's second event of 2015, Don't Sweat the Technique. It features the return of Zack Sabre Jr as well as the Reseda debut of Tommy End who hasn't competed under the PWG banner since 2006 when the promotion held a show in Germany. Excalibur & Rick Knox are on commentary to start the evening so let's get right into this highly anticipated event!
1) Brian Cage vs. Biff Busick
Apparently this match was supposed to go on later in the show however Cage had a flight to catch as he's been main eventing alot in Mexico recently so they are opening things. This one started off hot with Busick going for a running flip off the apron and CAGE CATCHES HIM IN MID AIR! I was marking out only moments into this thing! These two have clashed in various forms over the past few months so there wasn't anything you've never seen before here. Both men got their signature stuff in and the result was a decent opener. Not as good as past openers from Busick like he had against Mike Bailey and Tommaso Ciampa, but still a satisfactory contest.
Match rating - **3/4
2) Trevor Lee vs. Mike Bailey
WOW! These two very nearly killed each other. Lee starts off aggressive by charging Bailey. He's clearly wanting to get himself back on track after falling short in the main event last month. Bailey fights back and gets the audience all fired up with his standing kicks that he kept going for atleast 10-15 seconds straight. Speedball chants began ringing through the legion hall at this point. One other notable moment around this time was Lee going for a german suplex and Bailey landing on his feet and nailing him with a kick to the head. After a nearfall or two in the ring, they end up outside on the apron and to quote Excalibur "SHIIIIIITTTTTT!" Lee goes for the german suplex he's been longing for, but Bailey ventures onto his shoulders. REVERSE HURRICANRANA ON THE RING APRON!!! Holy shit chants erupt. Mike Bailey isn't done though, he gets back on the ring apron and SHOOTING STAR KNEE DROP ONTO LEE ON THE FLOOR! He is officially over as hell in Reseda! Bailey goes for the shooting star press and Lee gets his knees up. Trevor Lee is up and SMALL PACKAGE DRIVERRRRRR! 1...2...3 - Trevor Lee picks up the victory over Mike Bailey in an absolute barnburner of a match.
Match rating - ***3/4
3) Candice LeRae & Joey Ryan vs. Beaver Boys (John Silver & Alex Reynolds)
Friday, June 12, 2015
CZW: Jon Moxley - Parental Advisory Explicit Violence 5 Disc Set Review
After months of having the majority of this review done, I'm here with the full thing. This is a five disc set that Highspots released that covers Jon Moxley's entire CZW career along with a few random matches from IWA Mid-South and NWA Force-1. It's time to take a look back at the early years of a man now known as Dean Ambrose.
1) Jon Moxley vs. Roderick Strong - IWA Mid South: 2008 Revolution Strong Style Tournament - 12/5/08
Being a fan of both guys, I was looking forward to this one right off the bat. This was a first round tournament match and didn't go very long although there were some good exchanges here. All in all, it's not anything special, but it was cool seeing these two lock up considering it will likely not happen again any time soon.
Match rating - **
2) Jon Moxley vs. Jon Dahmer - CZW: Total Havoc - 3/14/09
Much like the match with Roddy, this was pretty short. The reason this one was kept short was probably because it was the opener. Mox & Roddy made good use of the time they had however and the result was a decent opening match. Moxley wins with a DDT on a steel chair. Another rather short yet enjoyable match. Hope things pick up soon.
Match rating - **
3) The Switchblade Conspiracy (Jon Moxley & Sami Callihan) vs. Brain Damage & Drake Younger - CZW: An Eye For An Eye - 4/11/09
I said in the previous match review that I hope things would pick up soon. Well, my wish was granted as we got one hell of a match here. The first two matches on the set were pretty short and weren't brutal at all so when chairs, tables, & a fork came into play, I knew this one would be the first hardcore bout on the DVD. There were number of brutal moments here such as Moxley digging a fork into Damage's head and lip. If I remember correctly, all four men got busted open at some point in the match. The most jaw dropping spot saw Moxley throw Damage off the top turnbuckle to the floor through a table. I say through a table, but Damage hit mainly the floor although the table did break despite him only catching half of it. Good hardcore brawl.
Match rating - ***1/4
4) Jon Moxley vs. Brain Damage - CZW: Blood Pressure Rising - 5/9/09
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
PWG: 2010 Battle of Los Angeles Night One Review

Excalibur is in the ring to start the show and begins running down the card when The Young Bucks hit the ring. They protest their first round match which sees them face each other and try to get themselves counted out. Rick Knox won't have it and the match gets underway. Excalibur goes up to the stage to join Austin Aries on commentary and just as he does so DOUBLE SUPERKICK TO RICK KNOX! Double DQ is called by Patrick Hernandez and The Bucks are going to get off easy after all. Or so they thought! The Cutler Brothers come from behind the curtain and confront them which leads to the first actual match of the evening!
1) The Young Bucks vs. The Cutler Bros
If you've ever seen these two teams face off, you know this was great. They always seem to find a way to not make their matches feel repetitive. This match in particular was extremely different from the others as they delivered some awe inspiring counters that I'd never seen before. They had counters for each other's counters for each other's counters. It was unbelievable. The crowd was fired up the entire time and rightfully so considering this was just a month after these two teams were involved the classic three way Guerrilla Warfare match at SEVEN with El Generico & Paul London. None the less, The Cutlers pick up their first ever pinfall victory over The Young Bucks in a great opener.
Match rating - ***1/2
2) Brandon Gatson vs. Ryan Taylor
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